Introducing SeeSaw 2.0
Faster and More Powerful
Improved user experience
Faster interaction
Intuitive for new users
Dozens of new features
Auto-open on Desktop
Clients can opt to have the SeeSaw player
always open on their desktop site
All New Interface
Decluttered. Intuitive. Powerful.
Video Launch Buttons
Engaging, animated SeeSaw buttons
Shoutout to Karin's team!
Infinitely Flexible
Embedded Avatar
The avatar is contained
the SeeSaw.
We can also put contact forms there, etc!
Auto-Continue Videos
Videos can be set to play sequentially.
Do it Yourself Videos
Clients can add unlimited videos,
from their phone to their SeeSaw instantly.
Social Sharing
Any video the client creates is shared, optionally,
to all of their social platforms.
Record once, share everywhere.
Drip Social Sharing
SeeSaw teaser videos are shared AUTOMATICALLY every three to five weeks to the clients social platforms.
These lead viewers back to the clients full SeeSaw website.
Set and Forget Social Marketing.
Direct SeeSaw Messaging
With their phone, our client can easily create a custom one-time video message to anyone.
The custom message plays, followed by the SeeSaw funnel they choose.
When the video message is viewed, our client is notified instantly.
Many More Features and Stability Improvements
Clients can use their phone to control their website. Completely securely!
Add videos, send messages, access tracking, directly contact their DME rep, and more!